Me by Peter Bauer
Thank you for all your questions;) I will try to answer all of them now.
Hight/ Weight - I am 1.75m tall and my weight is 50-52 kg.
Sports - I try to do some exercises every day, to keep my measurements and feel healthy. I love to go running alot.
Nutrition - I would say I am really lucky, as I don't have to look at what I eat that much. I like to eat healthy, but also love sweets and stuff.
Anorexia? -I have heart things like I am anorectic quite a lot already, but I am not. And people who know more about this really dangerous illness will notice that.
Drugs? - I don't do drugs at all.
Boyfriend? - No, I am single.
How and when did I start modelling? - I started modelling after I finished school. I started to go to university but decided to quit, as it was not going that well in uni (studied mathematics and physics) and as I had the opportunity to go to Milan.
Fulltime job? - Yes, at the moment I am a fulltime model. But later I want to go back to university!
Favourite job/ job I am proud of? Runway or fotoshoot? - This is really hard to say, as most of the jobs are alot of fun. I think it is always nice to do an editorial shoot, as later on it's fun to see oneself in a magazine. But also love runway jobs, think it's a great feeling to walk outside and see all the lights and people.
Are there people, who are jealous about my job and look? - Unfortunately I have made experience with people who were jealous, yes.
Bad thoughts about my job? - Yes, some people think I just live in a material world, with people without a heart and without thoughts about other important things in life. There are quite a few people who think I am superficial, as I love clothes and work in front of a camera. This I don't really understand as I didn't do anything else than making my hobby a job. I think most people would love to say this about their job;)
What has to happen that I quit modelling (except age)? - I guess I can't really tell, At the moment I really love this job, so I want to go on, I simply want to work, want to make as many experiences as I can, travel the world, get to know people and so on...;)
Hobbies - Modelling, writing my blog, reading, sports, meeting friends, travelling, shopping...
Favourite brand/ designer/store - there are so many: Alexander Wang, Acne, Whyred, Hope, Cheap Monday, Céline....and many more! Also Zara, H&M, Monki.
Favourite musik - Also hard to say, I am not really into electronic musik, prefer rock or pop and oldies;) To name a few favourites at the moment: Dire Straits, Beatles, Hanni El Khatib, Gianna Nannini, Pink Floyd, Negramaro, Aloe Blacc, Bob Dylan, Daniel Diges, Die Toten Hosen
Spend my money on? - My hobbies!
Favourite country? - There are many, wana visit as many as possible! Loved Italy and New Zealand most, I guess because I have lived there;) But also Cuba, Greece, England and many more. Have travelled many cities already, but never want to stop;)
Wow ich war ehrlich gesagt grad sehr geschockt bei den 1,75m und 52 kg! Das ist eigentlich ziemlich krasses Untergewicht aber ich finde du siehst halt Modelmäßig schlank aus aber nicht magersüchtig. Ich kann mir vorstellen dass das in deinem Job auch so an der Tagesordnung ist und ich bin schon ein wenig neidisch dass du so einen Stoffwechsel hast. ;)
London Last Night
hehe jaa, aber ich muss dazu sagen, dass auch als ich noch nicht gemodelt hab, wars nicht viel mehr.. so 2 kilo;) und klar wenn ich keinen sport machen würde und nur futtern wärs auch nen bissel anders:D
AntwortenLöschenaber leute die von natur aus nicht schlank sind sollten meiner meinung nach auch kein model werden, das ist viel zu viel stress und eben ein enormer druck..
gianna nannini is very famous in german in the 80s!negramaro ,its the italian version of coldplay,ciao belle risposte...
AntwortenLöschenHey! I'm sooo happy I found your blog :) I just started out as a model myself and I'm now blogging about fashion and other things as well, please check it out:
AntwortenLöschenhugs! xoxo
Schön, dass du so offen mit Fragen umgehst :) Meine Schwester ist auch eher spilleriger, die muss auch nicht auf Essen achten. Ich eigentlich auch nicht, aber ich bin jetzt auch nicht so der Modeltyp :D
AntwortenLöschenBeneidenswert schön bist du :)
Ich habe noch eine Frage an dich:
AntwortenLöschenIst das ihr Geld?
Insider, da musst du Liese fragen. Sie wird lachen. War so nett dich kennenzulernen, dein Blog ist so geil wird erstmal geliked! auf bald AKNEFACE! ;) hahahaha
Gute Antworten. Ich find deinen Stoffwechsel auch genial - weil ich einfach weiß wie du dir Burger und kiloweise Süßigkeiten mit gutem Gewissen in dich rein schaufeln kannst - DAS ist erstaunlich :D