Happy new yeeear everyone.. I gotta say thank uu.. Thank you for reading my blog, commenting and supporting me so much.. You guys are amazing!! Thank uuuu;) lots of love <3
..of yesterdays outfit;) Today I realised again how much I love my job. I miss working already, altough it is not long ago that I had my last job. I am looking forward to january already, when all the jobs are coming again and also the fashion-week;) It is just the best thing that could happen to me, that I got the opportunity to work as a model. And of course that I get more and more jobs:)
I always forgot to show it to you, but here it is, my new favourite coat;)
I am really sorry for the bad blogging the last days, unfortunately I am sick and just lying in bed. But I promise you there will be more coming again, soon!!
out there who owns this perfect leather pants by ACNE (Davi) and wants to sell it t me? Or knows where I can still get it in a small size?? I NEED your help;) x
I had this wonderful job, with the best danish crew, last week in Berlin. Unfortunately I can't tell you more about it yet, but it really was awesome.. Just a little bit cold, thats why i sit there like a chicken:D
Now, I am off to copenhagen for a job, too bad I can't spend more time over there, as it will be my first trip to this amazing city. But the next job in Berlin is calling;)
Wow, there are so many nice clothes in the new cheap monday collection. I kinda fell in love with the look of the girl sitting in front! What do you think??